May 05, 2016

Legislative Session Update

Dear UNI family,

The 2016 Iowa legislative session has adjourned. Over my years as President the Governor, Iowa Legislators and Board of Regents have steadfastly shown their support for education by requesting and allocating hundreds of millions of dollars for the three Regent universities. Under extremely difficult economic circumstances this year is no different. UNI's new state allocation will be $97.1 million, an increase of $2.781 million in new money. We are grateful, thanking the Governor, Legislators and Board of Regents for their continued support. We continue to work with the Regents to discuss potential tuition increases in order to determine our final General Fund allocation for the coming fiscal year.

The Iowa Board of Regents has undertaken a comprehensive review of the current Board policy manual, which includes the phased retirement policy. As a first step the universities have been asked to review current utilization information on phased retirement, duration of their programs, costs and to suggest changes for the Board’s consideration. After this essential information has been reviewed the Board of Regents will propose changes they deem necessary. Given the continued budget challenges that the university faces, vice presidents have been approving phased retirement agreements up to two years.

Finally, five finalists for the Vice President for Student Affairs position have visited campus, met with a myriad of groups and made presentations in open forum settings. I'm working closely with the search committee members and campus leadership to decide on next steps. This is a critical position for UNI student success. Many thanks to everyone involved in this decision-making process and to all who submitted feedback.

Bill Ruud