Help Lower Electricity Usage During Peak Times
Dear Faculty and Staff -
The purchase price of electricity throughout the year is determined by the peak amount used the previous year. Traditionally, this peak amount is set during August and September. Next week is expected to be a peak use time for the university and it will most likely set the rates for next year. Last year, the electricity-reduction efforts implemented were instrumental in keeping our peak usage low.
If the university is able to lower the peak amount of electricity used between August 26 and September 1, it will lower our purchase price of electricity and drastically reduce our utility costs. Reducing costs is an important part of our efforts to be good stewards of our state resources.
Here is how you can help lower peak usage next week:
- Turn off lights in offices, classrooms, labs, lounges, etc. before occupancy sensors do.
- Unplug equipment not in use, such as coffee makers, printers, computers, copy machines and fans.
- When possible, keep blinds closed or take advantage of natural light.
- When not a safety issue, hallway lights may be turned off.
- Call Facilities Services at x34400 to remedy excessive cooling in any area.
- For more information, please visit the energy savings website.
Thank you,
Bill Ruud
Purple for Life