Aug 29, 2014

Happy Labor Day

UNI Students, Faculty and Staff,

It has been great seeing all of you back on campus. The first week of the 2014-15 academic year has been busy!

This year will be full of opportunities, activities and learning experiences. But, before we get too far into the fall semester, let's take some time this Labor Day weekend to pay tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity and well-being of our country. These individuals include all of you.

A lot of people are needed to keep a university running. From the crew that keeps our campus looking beautiful to the ITS staff that keeps things going behind the scenes. There are student workers who are receiving real-world experience and professors who put students first by bringing their experience and expertise into the classroom. And of course, there are all of you who are here everyday making things happen – you are all so important to the strength, prosperity and well-being of UNI.

Thank you. I appreciate everything you do! Have a safe and enjoyable Labor Day holiday.

Purple for Life!

Bill Ruud