Nov 20, 2014

Congratulations to former executive vice president and provost Gloria Gibson

UNI Family,

I want to share with you some news about former executive vice president and provost Gloria Gibson. Gloria has accepted the provost and senior vice president of Academic Affairs position at Morgan State University in Baltimore, Maryland. She resigned from her position at UNI in April after many successful years of encouraging our outstanding faculty, staff and students to strive for excellence.

In a recent news release, David Wilson, president of Morgan State University, talked about how Gloria impressed the campus community as an extraordinary leader. “We were looking for an individual who is energetic, visionary and transformational, who can work with us to take this university to the next level of academic excellence and preeminence. I believe Dr. Gibson will be able to carry out that charge. She is a good fit for Morgan.”

Her appointment as Morgan's provost and senior vice president for Academic Affairs is effective Jan. 5, 2015. More information about her new position is available at the Morgan State University newsroom. Congratulations Gloria!

Purple for Life!

Bill Ruud