Jun 06, 2016

Changes to Phased Retirement

Dear Colleagues,

As you know, the Board of Regents have proposed revisions to their policy manual, which includes the phased retirement program. The proposed revised policy manual can be found on the Board of Regents website (PDF).

The phased retirement program is in Chapter 2, Operations, in Number 2, Wages and Benefits, and letter H, Phased and Early Retirement (page 36 of the entire document).

We expect that the current phased retirement program will end when the revised policy manual is approved. The first reading of the proposed revised policy manual will be at the June 8-9 Board of Regents Meeting; the second reading and final vote will happen at the July 18 meeting. The revised policy manual, if adopted by the Board, will replace the old manual, and the new guidelines will be in place at that time.

If anyone wants to go on phased retirement under the current program, it would need to be approved before the new phased retirement program is approved. I would encourage employees interested in requesting phased retirement under the current program to seek approval before June 30, 2016. We are currently approving up to two years of phased retirement if the agreement meets the needs of all parties involved.

We continue to get information from the Board Office about this proposed change to the phased retirement program and will continue to work with them on clarifications.

An initial request for a phased retirement form should be made through the Human Resources site. Further questions that faculty members have about the phased retirement program should be directed to Miranda in Human Resources at 3-2423 or hrs-benefits@uni.edu.


Bill Ruud