Board of Regents Update
Dear UNI Family,
This month’s Board of Regents meeting was held August 6, 2014. Here are just a few of the outstanding UNI accomplishments I shared with our in-state colleagues.
Enrollment Management
Summer orientation sessions brought 2,468 new students and their family members to campus. Our final orientation session is Friday, Aug. 22. So far, 117 attendees have signed up, and we anticipate the number will surpass 150. As of August 1, the number of students applying to UNI is up 27 percent and the number of students admitted is up 18 percent over last year’s figures. Through our Senior Search Campaign, we’ve been reaching out to students who will be high school seniors this fall. So far, we've already admitted more than 600 of these seniors.
Jacobson Philanthropy Award
UNI's Jacobson Center for Comprehensive Literacy recently received the Jacobson Philanthropy Award. The center works with Iowa schools to improve literacy for all Iowa students and oversees three literacy projects: Partnerships in Comprehensive Literacy, the Reading Recovery Center of Iowa and the Literacy Education Professional Development School. The Jacobson Center is a great example of how UNI continues to be a leader in providing strong literacy programs for educators.
UNI alumna named USDA executive
Angie Tagtow has been named executive director of the USDA's Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion. In this role she oversees the committee that creates federal nutrition standards. Angie graduated from UNI with a B.A. in dietetics.
Food Network star coming to UNI in September
Amy Thielen, the host of the Food Network show Heartland Table will visit campus Thursday and Friday, Sept. 4 and 5. She will conduct food demonstrations at UNI's Harvest Festival. During an evening presentation, she will talk about her journey from the Midwest to New York and back. During last year's Harvest Festival, students created a video asking the Food Network to send one of their stars to UNI to talk about food. Ms. Thielen's visit is a direct response to our invitation.
Center for Violence Prevention in Elle magazine
UNI's Center for Violence Prevention was recently featured in Elle magazine for its collaborative work with the Mentors in Violence Prevention program. The center offered bystander training at two community colleges in Iowa at the end of July. On Wednesday, Aug. 27, co-directors Alan Heisterkamp and Annette Lynch will lead a national webinar on bystander intervention, education and training.
Looking forward to a great 2014-15!!!!!
Purple for Life!
Bill Ruud