June, 2015 Budget Update
Dear UNI Family,
I hope everyone is enjoying the warm weather. Even though the majority of students have left for the summer, campus is still very busy. I want to share with you some budget information and a few highlights from the June 4 Board of Regents meeting.
Last week, the Legislature approved one-time funding increases for the three Regent universities equal to 1.25 percent of each school's base funding for the current fiscal year. Lawmakers also approved a $5.1 million increase to our base budget. It was also recommended that the Regent universities freeze tuition for the fall 2015 semester.
I want to thank the Legislature for their hard work and commitment during this year's session. I also want to thank state leadership for beginning to address UNI's unique funding challenges. We appreciate their recognition and acknowledgement of UNI's funding inequity by providing the $5.1 million. As always, we will continue to look for efficiencies and look forward to continuing the conversation on implementing a more permanent correction to UNI's structural funding problem.
BOR Highlights:
A demonstration of the common, online application portal was given. Prospective students who are interested in applying to more than one Regent university will soon be able to conveniently apply online via the portal on the Board of Regents website.
We highlighted the intellectual property and commercialization partnership between UNI and Iowa State. The agreement formalizes a model for working together, and it gives us the opportunity to tap into ISU's decades of successful commercialization experience.
I also talked about the recent honor UNI athletics received. The men's basketball, men's golf, women's golf, women's cross country and women's volleyball teams were recognized by the NCAA for their latest multi-year Academic Progress Rate (APR) scores. This is the 10th year the NCAA has recognized programs for their APRs, and UNI volleyball has been recognized all 10 years.
As fiscal year 2015 is wrapping up, I want to thank you for all of your hard work. Please take advantage of these nice days and enjoy your summer!
Purple for Life!
Bill Ruud